Our Mission:

To operate exclusively to educate persons, primarily citizens of Nebraska, in the cultivation, propagation, improvement and use of the nut and fruit trees and bushes.

Welcome to the Nebraska Nut Growers Association (NeNGA) Web site. We hope you enjoy browsing through our Web site where you will find NeNGA nut grower resources such as a calendar of nut growing events, cultivar nut evaluation data, and a scionwood order form. You will also find a membership form, great nut Recipes and links to other nut grower sites.

The Nebraska Nut Growers Association is a leading nut grower organization in the Midwest that promotes the growing of cultivar nuts such as Black Walnut, Pecan, Hickory, Hazelnut and Northern Pecan. NeNGA members have proven cultivar nuts available for propagation. Come visit us through our meetings, grafting seminars or just contact us if you have questions about growing or evaluating nuts.

Our membership ranges from back yard growers to production growers. You may contact us and ask any question from "A-Z" on growing high quality Cultivar Nut Trees in the Midwest. We also offer site tours of Nut Orchards in the area and put on educational seminars upon request. You can learn more about our organization by clicking "Nebraska Nut Grower Association" on the top bar.

Six Reasons To Join the NeNGA

  1. Informative newsletters online including: Events calendar, Member articles, and Tree Care tips useful to hobbyist and commercial producers.
  2. Spring and Fall meetings featuring a wide range of speakers, touring of member's orchards, scion wood exchange, and most importantly, interacting with fellow growers.
  3. Access to over 20 years of nut evaluations. 
  4. Opportunity to bid on and purchase a wide range of items at our annual fund raiser auction.  Items can include grafted (cloned) nut trees and fruit trees, and a variety of nut related products.
  5. Networking with other members who have decades of experience in many horticultural activities.
  6. Opportunity to volunteer your time in planning and interacting with our public educational events.
Click here to join the NeNGA today
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